Just like models all makeup artists pursuing a successful career need current examples of their work to advertise their services and show prospective clients. Your portfolio of work and how you represent yourself will determine the type of work you get - so if you want to become an editorial makeup artist but only have bridal clients you need to find another way of building your portfolio with the images that will get you the work you want.
To get the right quality of images for your portfolio here are the things you will need:
A professional model
A professional photographer/retoucher
A hairstylist
A well thought out makeup design that compliments the model
While there are ways of building your portfolio without spending any money it is important to note that a) you won't get to decide on the makeup b) you might not get the pictures back for months c) you wont get to decide on the model d) you probably wont have a hairstylist and e) retouching will depend on the skills of the photographer and whether or not THEY want to retouch the images.
Investing in your portfolio is the way to go for any serious up and coming makeup artist and any money that you do spend on professional photos will also be tax deductible.
The next 3 day PHOTO SHOOT COURSE commences Monday June 18,19 & 20